- Eyes On The Road
- Everything on Earth is Worth $35 Canadian
- SCP-3763 Rewrite
- Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?
- Vansportation
- Spiders That Lay Eggs In Your Teeth
- Burning Man
- Understanding in a Car Crash
- Every Car On Earth is a New York City Taxicab
- Chinese Takeout
- Forgotten Salarymen
- Take My Pound of Flesh and Sleep Well
Assigned Site | Site Director | Research Head | Assigned Task Force |
Site-48 | Dir. Linda Lutz | Rs. Hamzad Al-Fateh | MTF D-52 "Smithereens" |
Special Containment Procedures:
Description: SCP-0000 is an intrusion into the Noosphere.
Assigned Site | Site Director | Research Head | Assigned Task Force |
Area-73 | Dir. Lester Kuo | Rs. Manuel van Portshire | N/A |
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its disruption to normalcy, SCP-0000 is to be decommissioned. Operation 0000-LINCOLN is to be completed as soon as possible.
Research regarding SCP-0000 is to be handled by Foundation personnel who have never used Canadian currency.
Description: SCP-0000 is a semiohazardous factual anomaly in which all items, experiences, and acquisitions of any kind are societally valued at $35.00 CAD1 per socially recognized unit. The human noosphere has been modified to reflect this fact.
Only prices in Canadian dollars are affected; prices in other currencies remain reflective of their normal societal value.
SCP-0000 has resulted in worldwide economic disruption, as all items previously worth over $35 CAD were sold at $35, and vice versa. This has majorly impacted Canada's domestic economy and international trade logistics to the point of societal collapse.
<Begin Log>
PoI-0000: Could… could I please get a drink?
van Portshire: Sure. <to observing personnel> Can you bring in some bottles of water?
Agent Chester McMahon enters the room, carrying a single unopened plastic water bottle. He hands it to PoI-0000.
PoI-0000: Thank you, sir.
PoI-0000 opens the bottle as Agent McMahon exits the room. PoI-0000 takes a sip, then notices the price printed on the label.
PoI-0000: 35 dollars?
van Portshire: I'm not sure why you're surprised, it's your doing after all.
PoI-0000: No, it just didn't… I really didn't grasp what I did until…
van Portshire: Until now?
PoI-0000 nods their head as they continue to drink from the bottle.
van Portshire: Do you still remember the process you took? Is it written down somewhere?
PoI-0000: I think so… it's in a notebook I got from someone. I left it in my house, in my office desk.
A short silence.
van Portshire: Who gave you that book?
PoI-0000: Well… they sold it to me.
van Portshire: So who sold you the book?
Another silence.
PoI-0000: I can't tell you.
van Portshire: Can't tell- Just spit it out! Who'd you get that book from?
PoI-0000: No, like… they didn't give me their name or anything like that. They had no name.
Researcher van Portshire calms themselves down.
van Portshire: How did you pay for that book? I'm… kind of curious as to what payment method they used.
PoI-0000: I gave them 35 dollars.
van Portshire: But of course.
<End Log>
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3763 is contained at Site-48's Vehicle Containment Garage.
Description: SCP-3763 is a 1964 Chevrolet Biscayne that cannot be damaged. It is not physically indestructible; rather, when attempts to damage SCP-3763 are made, reality is retroactively altered so that all attempts result in failure through seemingly mundane means. Further information cannot be disclosed, as due to the circumstances of its recovery, information shared would be retroactively erased by SCP-3763's properties.
Addendum: Testing regarding SCP-3763 was conducted under the supervision of Researcher Bradson Boudames.
Test 3763-01
Procedure: A remote-controlled aerial drone would drop a cinder block onto SCP-3763.
Result: The block did not damage SCP-3763; analysis revealed it to be constructed of lightweight foam.
Test 3763-02
Procedure: The aerial drone was to dump an open can of orange paint onto SCP-3763.
Result: The drone attempted to follow the procedure but was unsuccessful, as the paint can had not been opened. Researcher Boudames seized the can from the drone, opened it and attempted to dump the paint himself, but was unable to as the can had not been opened. The test was cancelled after 15 more attempts.
Test 3763-03
Procedure: D-4276 would hit SCP-3673 with a baseball bat.
Result: D-4276 was unable to perform the procedure, as they had not been provided with a baseball bat. A bat was given to D-4276; they attempted to perform the procedure again but were unable to, as they had not been provided with a baseball bat. The test was cancelled.
Test 3763-05
Procedure: SCP-3763, with Researcher Boudames in the driver's seat, would be pushed by other personnel into the path of a bollard in Site-48's employee parking lot.
Result: SCP-3763 did not come into contact with any bollard, and its trajectory was successfully halted by Researcher Boudames. Later analysis of Site-48 construction blueprints revealed that no bollards were included in the parking lot's plans, even though they are a legal architectural requirement.
Test 3763-08
Procedure: D-7662 would be instructed to damage SCP-3763 by kicking it.
Result: Although the test was organized properly with all research personnel present in the testing chamber, it was cancelled as no Foundation personnel had the designation D-7662.
Test 3763-12
Procedure: D-7101 would attempt to dismantle SCP-3763's driver-side door with the requisite mechanical tools. They would proceed to throw the removed door onto SCP-3763.
The above file was recovered from Site-48 databases. When questioned, Researcher Bradson Boudames claimed ignorance regarding this file, and has been reprimanded for the unauthorized creation of a database entry for a non-existent SCP object.
— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 is contained within SCP-0000-1.
Description: SCP-0000 is an elderly human male with the given name "Candyman Carlos", located within its confectionary store of the same name, designated SCP-0000-1.
Individuals who have conceived children
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 is contained at Site-48's Vehicle Containment Garage.
Description: SCP-0000 is a 2003 Dodge Ram Van.
Following activation, the subject, designated SCP-0000-A, will be instantaneously transported to the selected location.
All SCP-0000-1 selectable coordinates correspond to the location of a Dodge Ram Van between the model years of 1979-2003.
Item #: SCP-0000-EX | Level 1 |
Object Class: Explained | Unrestricted |
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000-EX instances previously contained for study at Site-48, Site-64, Area-55, and Area-73 are to be disposed of.
Foundation-front media companies have established public safety announcements to inform the public regarding the existence of SCP-0000-EX.
Description: SCP-0000-EX is a species of arachnid native to the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and Canada. Male instances resemble common house spiders (Parasteatoda tepidariorum), while female instances possess abdomens superficially resembling molar teeth. The arachnids generally follow regular behavior for their species, living in warm, moist, and enclosed environments such as human-made structures, and constructing webs of standard material.
The instances deviate from standard arachnid behavior during the reproduction process. Following successful fertilization, female arachnids will search for the oral cavity of a human. After discovering a sufficient host, the instance will proceed inside the cavity.
After the instance has located a suitable tooth, it will eject high volumes of bacteria into the surrounding gingivae. The bacteria will quickly result in enough periodontal inflammation to loosen the tooth enough for successful self-ejection.2
The instance will proceed to lay its eggs within the vacated area, then insert itself into the exposed gingivae, covering its eggs underneath itself. A webbing adhesive will be excreted from the instance to affix it into place.
The host will often experience sharp pain sensations around the buried arachnid, although most remain unaware of the true nature of their affliction until the eggs hatch roughly 4-6 weeks following initial burial. Hatching may occur sooner if the maternal instance disguised as the tooth is successfully disrupted.
Following the hatching process, the newborn instances will proceed to exit the host's mouth in a swarm, often while they are conscious. The event may cause distress and disruption to the host and any witnesses. Following their exit, the newborns follow baseline burrowing and growth procedures until ready for reproduction.
Occasionally, a number of newborn instances may become disoriented and proceed either up the host's nasal cavity or down into their esophagus.
Addendum: On July 17, 2017, research into SCP-0000-EX concluded that their physiology and biology are explainable through existing evolutionary theory, as the molar-like abdomens of the adult females are constructed of non-anomalous organic material. Additionally, their tendency to bury within human mouths is similar to the behavior of many non-anomalous parasitic species.
Due to the lack of anomalous phenomena regarding SCP-0000-EX, the arachnid species has been reclassified as Explained, and given the scientific name Parasteatoda dentaltanum.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000-EX is currently contained in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-56, and fed on the standard meal regimen. A decision regarding SCP-0000-EX's containment at the Foundation will be made by the Ethics Committee on March 29, 2017.
Description: SCP-0000-EX is a human male, 42 years of age, possessing severe third degree burn wounds on its face, chest, and limbs. Due to these injuries, SCP-0000-EX walks with difficulty, and possesses impaired motor skills in its hands and arms. The source of these injuries has been confirmed to be non-anomalous.
SCP-0000-EX came to Foundation attention following reports by civilians in the Positano area regarding "some Freddy Krueger lookalike" approaching them at nighttime. Anomalous phenomena was suspected, and Mobile Task Force Omicron-23 was dispatched to locate and detain the individual. Class-A amnestics were administered to witnesses per standard protocol. On February 17, 2017, SCP-0000-EX was successfully detained and transferred to Site-56 for study.
An interview was conducted during initial containment.
Interviewer: Researcher Devon Dougherty
Interviewed: SCP-0000
Date: February 18, 2017
<Begin Log>
Researcher Dougherty: Please state your name for the record.
SCP-0000 does not respond.
Dougherty: Sir, I request you state your full name.
SCP-0000 does not respond.
Dougherty: If you refuse to give us your name, we will refer to you as "SCP-0000".
SCP-0000: Go ahead, I don't care anymore.
Dougherty: Very well, SCP-0000. Firstly, we'd like to ask you about your origins. When were you born?
SCP-0000: My birthday? It's August 12, 1975. I'm from Washington state.
Dougherty: Have you always had your skin condition?
SCP-0000: These burns? I got them after a workplace fire a couple years ago.
Dougherty: Please describe this workplace fire in more detail.
SCP-0000: I… I don't fucking want to. Are you a therapist or some shit? Who are you people, anyway? Cops?
Dougherty: We're a organization that studies anomalous humanoids like you, and contains them here to protect the public.
SCP-0000: The fuck are you on about? Anoma-what? And how am I dangerous, I'm just a burn victim?
Dougherty: We've received reports of you spooking members of the public at night, which is why we've contained you here.
SCP-0000: I only go out at night because I don't want people to see me like this.
SCP-0000: Understanding in a Car Crash
Word Count:
Reading Time:
Item #: SCP-0000 | Level 1/0000 |
Object Class: Keter | Unrestricted |
Assigned Site | Site Director | Research Head | Assigned Task Force |
Site-48 | Linda Lutz | N/A | MTF E-33 "Ford Pintos" |
Special Containment Procedures: Operation 0000-MANSFIELD is underway to ensure a successful execution of SCP-0000. A member of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-33 ("Ford Pintos") is to participate by operating the vehicle which will strike SCP-0000-1.
Description: SCP-0000 is an event involving SCP-0000-1 under specific circumstances that is predicted to prevent a K-class scenario through unknown means. It is currently theorized that the occurrence of SCP-0000 modifies the current timeline through the principles of chaos theory to successfully prevent the scenario from occurring. The statistical probability of SCP-0000 occurring without Foundation intervention is unknown.
SCP-0000-1 is a 37-year old male named Richard Williams, residing in Laurel Creek, California, USA. On November 14, 2015, SCP-0000-1 will be travelling on Interstate 499 in the northbound direction, between Exit 47 and Exit 48, at 19:34 PST. His gray 2012 Chevrolet Malibu will be struck in the rear by another vehicle, which will push SCP-0000-1's vehicle towards the rear of a tractor-trailer truck. SCP-0000-1's vehicle will underride the trailer, terminating him. This event is SCP-0000.
Failure of SCP-0000 occurring is predicted to result in a K-class scenario within the next fifteen years.
History: On June 21, 2015, the O5 Council performed its tri-monthly activation3 of QUIN-C,4 a Thaumiel-class object constructed by Foundation engineers with hardware reversed-engineered from several SCP objects. Due to the nature of temporal paradoxes, QUIN-C's outputs are designed to reveal as little information regarding predicted future events as possible.
Transcript 0000-1
<Begin Log>
O5-3: To be frank, QUIN-C is telling us to have a civilian killed in one of the most gruesome ways possible.
O5-8: Depending on the speed, it should be somewhat instantaneous, and… painless?
O5-3: That doesn't mean that we should… why would QUIN-C recommend this angle? Surely there must be another way.
O5-8: If there was another way, QUIN-C would have told us. Besides, she has a 100% track record for accuracy.
O5-3: She? Who is she?
O5-8: She is QUIN-C, and her outputs have yet to be wrong. Why would that change now?
O5-3: QUIN-C is a machine and nothing more. It doesn't have emotions, it just spits out orders to kill people while they're driving home from work!
O5-7: Isn't "Quincy" a boy's name?
O5-1: Enough! This conversation is getting off-topic. Three, we've done even more reprehensible things before, and having one civilian die outweighs the end of the world. Let's take this to a vote.
O5-1 | ||
O5-2 | ||
O5-3 | ||
O5-4 | ||
O5-5 | ||
O5-6 | ||
O5-7 | ||
O5-8 | ||
O5-9 | ||
O5-10 | ||
O5-11 | ||
O5-12 | ||
05-13 |
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Name: Malibu.png
Author: Jiwoahn
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
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Name: Chevrolet Malibu LS rear — 10-31-2009.jpg
Author: IFCAR
License: Public Domain
Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000-1 is contained at its origin of discovery, fitted with a deadbolt locking mechanism. Access to SCP-0000 requires prior approval from two personnel with Level 4/0000 Clearance.
Diplomatic relations with SCP-0000 organizations are currently underway with Site-48 personnel. Knowledge of SCP-0000 is not to leave Site-48.
Description: SCP-0000 is an alternative parallel reality accessible only through SCP-0000-1, a doorway located in San Francisco, California, USA. SCP-0000 is analogous to our own baseline reality, with one notable difference:
SCP-0000-A is the collective designation of all road-travelling motor vehicles within SCP-0000. All vehicles5 are externally modified to resemble taxicabs from the City of New York, USA. This includes vehicles that would not reasonably be utilized as taxis, including commercial and industrial trucks, two-seat performance-oriented automobiles, and motorcycles.
Inhabitants of SCP-0000 do not recognize the SCP-0000-A phenomenon as anomalous, and often operate SCP-0000-A instances as genuine taxicabs. Civilizations and governments within SCP-0000 are constructed to accommodate the phenomenon, with the principles of chaos theory resulting in major deviations in the SCP-0000 timeline from our own. The extent of these deviations is still under investigation.
History: SCP-0000 was discovered on February 25, 2015 by a civilian who inadvertently used SCP-0000-1. The civilian filmed the existence of SCP-0000-A on their phone and shared it on social media. Standard social media surveillance alerted Foundation personnel at Site-48, and the civilian was detained, interviewed, amnestized, and released. Site-48 personnel were dispatched to SCP-0000-1's location and confirmed the anomaly.
Addendum 01: An initial exploration of SCP-0000 was conducted on February 28, 2015 by Mobile Task Force Omicron-24. MTF personnel were instructed to record any deviations within the alternative reality from the baseline.
As an experiment, MTF Omicron-24 attempted to reach where Foundation Site-48 would be located within SCP-0000. Personnel indeed discovered a facility operated by SCP-0000's version of the Foundation, designated herein as Foundation-0000. Omicron-24 agents attempted to enter the facility, designated by Foundation-0000 as Site-67, and were detained by its personnel. Initially viewed as hostile, Omicron-24 members eventually revealed the existence of SCP-0000-1, and offered to establish diplomatic relations between the baseline Foundation and Foundation-0000.
During the event, it was discovered that Omicron-24 Agent Lauren Yamandiy had a SCP-0000 counterpart, designated Yamandiy-0000. An interrogation was conducted between the two personnel.
Interviewer: Agent Lauren Yamandiy-0000
Interviewed: Agent Lauren Yamandiy-PRIME
Date: February 28, 2015
<Begin Log>
Yamandiy-0000: Please state your name for the-
Yamandiy-PRIME: Dude, I'm you. You don't need to ask me my-
Yamandiy-0000: Sir, you'd know better than anyone that this is standard protocol, and you wouldn't want me to get fired, would you?
Yamandiy-PRIME: No, you're right. Sorry, me.
Yamandiy-0000: No hard feelings. I'd like to ask you about how and why you're in our reality. How did you get here, first of all?
Yamandiy-PRIME: So, a civilian discovered this door in San Francisco that led to this-
Yamandiy-0000: Where exactly is this door? What street?
Yamandiy-PRIME: Uh, it was Powell, I think? The 3800 block? It was built in this dull blue wall facing… north? Should look the same in this dimension.
Yamandiy-0000: You and your team entered our reality that way?
Yamandiy-PRIME: Basically, yeah. Our Foundation was initially interested because all the cars in your world are yellow taxis.
Yamandiy-0000: …and that's not the case in your dimension?
Yamandiy-PRIME: Well, yes. It's just strange that all your cars look like taxis from New York?
Yamandiy-0000: <confused> I don't see how that's anomalous?
Yamandiy-PRIME: Why does everyone here drive an NYC taxi? Is everyone here a taxi driver?
Yamandiy-0000: Basically, yeah. I take Agent Fourby's taxi to and from work every day.
Yamandiy-PRIME: Who's… who's "Fourby"?
Yamandiy-0000: You don't have an "Agent Fourby" in your universe? Tall, pale, somewhat lanky?
Yamandiy-PRIME: I have no clue who that is.
Yamandiy-0000: Let's change the subject. How did you join the Foundation?
Yamandiy-PRIME: I enlisted in a PMC6 in 2009 that happened to be a front for Foundation operations. I think it was called "Special Combat Personnel"?
The two Yamandiys stare at each other.
Yamandiy-PRIME: That's not how you joined?
Yamandiy-0000: No? I was offered a position in 2013 after I apprehended a reality-bending humanoid running a taxi-theft ring. I was a civilian detective back then, but the Foundation offered me a job, and I took it because I got dental benefits.
Yamandiy-PRIME: Hold on, what's that humanoid's designation?
Yamandiy-0000: I… think it was… SCP-3987?
Yamandiy-PRIME: The screaming air purifiers?
Yamandiy-0000: …The screaming what?
Yamandiy-PRIME: How about we change the subject. What was-
Yamandiy-0000: Your first girlfriend? It was Monica, remember Monica? We went to the movie theatre on our first date, I think the movie was… um…
Yamandiy-PRIME: No? Mine was Janet. Who's Monica?
A short silence.
Yamandiy-0000: It seems like we're a lot more different than I thought.
Yamandiy-PRIME: Basically, yeah.
<End Log>
Diplomatic relations with Foundation-0000 began on March 3, 2015. Initially, it was devised that only Foundation personnel with an SCP-0000 counterpart were to participate, with both versions interacting with each other. However, no such personnel other than Agent Yamandiy could be located within Site-48 and Foundation-0000 Site-67.
Addendum 02: On P
Interviewer: Researcher Polaris Crocker (SCP-0000)
Interviewed: Researcher Quincy Quirante
Date: March 6, 2015
<Begin Log>
Crocker: Please state your name for the record.
Quirante: Researcher Quincy Quirante.
Crocker: We'd like to ask you some questions about your alternative reality, Quirante. First of all, the taxicabs in your reality are many different colors, with most instances being devoid of any taxi branding.
Quirante: Wait, wait, hold on, I was under the impression that I was gonna ask the-
Crocker: Quirante, I would like to remind you that you are in our reality, in our facility. Therefore, we will be the ones conducting the interview. Once again, my question is: Why are the taxis in your dimension multi-colored?
Quirante: Um… well… first of all, not all the motor vehicles in my reality of origin are taxicabs. I would say most of the cars in my world aren't used as taxis.
Crocker: In that case, how are the non-taxis used?
Quirante: Well, they're used for one's personal transport, rather than the transport of others.
Crocker: Only one person occupies a non-taxi at any given time? That seems… rather inefficient.
Quirante: I mean, oftentimes two or more people ride in a car, we even have special lanes on our highways for cars with more than one person inside them.
Crocker: That sounds like a taxi to me.
Quirante: Not exactly, people pay to use taxis, while oftentimes, in our reality, people might get… free rides?
Crocker: We give free rides too sometimes, to our family or the less fortunate. But most people who can pay the fare will pay the fare.
Quirante: Wait, wait, are you saying that all the cars in your world are literally used as taxicabs?
Crocker: …Yes? Was that not obvious?
Quirante: So how does that work? Do you have to be trained as a taxi driver to own a car?
Crocker: Well, of course?
Quirante: But if what if you don't want to carry around any fares, and just want to go somewhere on your own?
Crocker: Then you just leave the taxi light off? On the roof? It's that simple.
Special Containment Procedures: Individuals exposed to SCP-0000-EX have been provided access to addiction counseling through Foundation front companies. Foundation involvement regarding the interrogation of PoI-0000 is to remain classified from civilian authorities.
Description: SCP-0000-EX referred to the Peking Duck Oriental Cuisine restaurant in Reinhardt, California, USA. Individuals who had consumed meals at this restaurant began exhibiting a strong compulsion to return to the establishment to consume more meals. Affected persons often visited SCP-0000-EX three or more times daily prior to initial Foundation investigation.
The phenomenon was discovered by Site-48 Officer Plastada Parnell during an off-duty dining excursion to SCP-0000-EX. After visiting the restaurant five times in three days, Officer Parnell began suspecting anomalous phenomena, and reported the existence of SCP-0000-EX to Containment Liaison Benjamin Bolton. The restaurant received its SCP designation on September 14, 2014, and Mobile Task Force Omicron-30 "Buy Us Dinner First" raided the restaurant and detained its owner, Lancaster Ma, who was designated PoI-0000.
Addendum 01: Interviews with PoI-0000 were conducted following initial detainment regarding SCP-0000-EX. Transcripts have been provided below.
Interviewer: Doctor Samantha Wharton
Interviewed: PoI-0000
Date: September 15, 2014
<Begin Log>
Dr. Wharton: Please state your name for the record.
PoI-0000: My name is Lancaster Ma.
A short silence.
Wharton: Ma…?
PoI-0000: It's just "Ma".
Wharton: I see. We brought you here today to investigate the food you've been serving at your restaurant. As my colleague Plastada would say, it's rather addictive.
PoI-0000: That's because my food is good! High quality, high quantity at an affordable price!
Wharton: I'd just like to ask, what kind of ingredients have you been putting in your food? Anything special?
PoI-0000: Only love and joy! That's why my customers keep coming back!
Wharton: The problem is, your customers are re-visiting your restaurant at very high rates, and that's caught our attention.
PoI-0000: How so? Are you from a rival business? Who are you working for? Panda Express? P.F. Chang's?
Wharton: No, we simply want to figure out how your restaurant's meals are so addictive. Until we do, you will not be permitted to leave our custody.
PoI-0000: What is this shit? Not permitted to-? You're trying to destroy my business, aren't you?
Wharton: Of course not, we just want to-
PoI-0000: You're going to screw over a hard-working immigrant like me, simply because my food is too good? How about you learn how to cook instead of knocking me down!
Wharton: Sir, please-
PoI-0000: I'm not going to stand for this! Let me go!
<End Log>
Addendum 02: Following extensive research by Site-48 personnel, it was discovered that PoI-0000 used samples of Lachryma papaveris7 to give the meals served at SCP-0000-EX their addictive properties. Further testing proved the samples to be non-anomalous. Due to this, SCP-0000 was re-designated as Explained on September 18, 2014.
Another interview was conducted with PoI-0000 following the discovery of the lack of SCP-0000-EX's anomalous properties.
Interviewer: Researcher Ronald Register
Interviewed: PoI-0000
Date: September 18, 2014
<Begin Log>
Researcher Register: Mr. Ma, I have some news for you.
PoI-0000: You're going to let me leave?
Register: Not quite. We've figured out how you achieved such a high amount of repeat customers. You've been doping the food with addictive substances, which might I remind you is a possible violation of California Penal Code 347 PC.
PoI-0000: I… I do not know anything about this.
Register: We found opium in your food. That's a Schedule II controlled substance.
PoI-0000 begins to sweat. They do not respond.
The criminal trial against PoI-0000 will begin on January 9, 2015. Officer Plastada Parnell has been granted leave from his Foundation duties during the trial in order to testify against PoI-0000.
Special Containment Procedures: Currently, it is estimated that at least 80,000 instances of SCP-0000-A are unidentified. Foundation law enforcement database surveillance is in effect in the Republic of Korea to identify uncontained SCP-0000-A instances. Those identified are to be detained by personnel under the influence of mnestics, and contained in Provisional Site-0000.
Provisional Site-0000 has been constructed in the Cheolju district of Seoul, Republic of Korea, for the containment of instances of SCP-0000-A. Provisional Site-0000 is constructed to resemble a civilian neighborhood for both the cooperation of contained SCP-0000-A instances, and as a disguise for Foundation operations. Automated systems have been implemented to properly provide meals, toiletries, and other amenities for SCP-0000-A instances.
The Antimemetics Department of Site-625 is currently responsible for Provisional Site-0000, and the containment of all SCP-0000-A instances.
Description: SCP-0000 is an antimemetic phenomenon affecting approximately 38% of former employees of the defunct Hanwoo Corporation. Those affected, designated SCP-0000-A, involuntarily possess antimemetic abilities hindering their ability to communicate and interact with others. However, SCP-0000-A instances are capable of interacting and recalling memories with other instances in a manner identical to non-anomalous individuals, suggesting a sphere of influence regarding SCP-0000.
Due to the effects of SCP-0000, instances of SCP-0000-A often express depression and anti-social behavior. Many instances independently began committing criminal activity to sustain their quality of life, as their antimemetic properties successfully hinder arrest attempts by law enforcement agencies.
It is estimated that at least 120,000 instances of SCP-0000-A exist, with 98% residing in the Republic of Korea.
History: The Hanwoo Group, a chaebol conglomerate headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea, declared bankruptcy in 1992. Previously, the Hanwoo Group was involved in multiple industries, including shipbuilding, automotive and appliance manufacturing, and residential construction.
It is currently believed that the SCP-0000 phenomenon developed gradually following the bankruptcy. The majority of SCP-0000-A individuals were low-level personnel during their tenure at Hanwoo, although higher-level executives were not immune to becoming an SCP-0000-A instance.
SCP-0000 was first discovered by the Foundation following an increase in criminal activity in the Seoul Metropolitan Area by unidentified perpetrators. The first SCP-0000-A instance discovered by the Foundation, designated SCP-0000-A-1, is an adult male named Park Min-seok, who was arrested following a string of convenience store robberies. An undercover Foundation agent identified SCP-0000-A-1's antimemetic properties and transferred them to Site-625 on June 25, 1995.
An interview was conducted following initial containment. The transcript below has been translated from Korean.
Interviewer: Researcher Kim Cheol-min
Interviewed: SCP-0000-A-1
Date: June 26, 1995
<Begin Log>
Researcher Kim: Please state your name for the record.
SCP-0000-A-1: My name is Park Min-seok.
Kim: We would like to ask about your criminal history. What was your first crime?
SCP-0000-A-1: I… I took some food from a convenience store without paying. Two packs of ramen.
Kim: Why were you motivated into shoplifting, Mr. Park?
SCP-0000-A-1: I couldn't get another job ever since I was laid off from Hanwoo. I submitted as many resumes to other companies as I could, but I never heard back from any of them. Eventually, I tried finding part-time work at grocery stores, but none of them hired me either.
SCP-0000-A-1 sighs.
SCP-0000-A-1: One night,
<End Log>
Addendum 01: An enclave consisting of an estimated 1,200 SCP-0000-A instances was discovered in the Cheolju district of Seoul in October 1995. Notably, the district formerly contained a regional administrative office for the Hanwoo Group. Due to the high number of instances, the enclave was designated as Provisional Site-0000, and Foundation containment liaisons began to inspect the area and interview SCP-0000-A instances.
An interview with an SCP-0000-A instance found in this enclave has been included below.
Addendum 02: Beginning in February 1996, reports of
Item #: SCP-0000
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Sites 0000-A and 0000-B have been purchased by Foundation front companies, and are currently under the juristiction of Site-56. Decontamination attempts are to be performed by administering water to affected surfaces and substances, and are to be performed by D-class personnel only. Biological matter contaminated by SCP-0000 is to be stored in low-level bio-hazard containers.
A cover story has been issued to the public, explaining the events of Incidents 0000-1 and 0000-2 as the result of non-anomalous gas leaks.
Due to the potential for knowledge of SCP-0000's creation method being known by civilians formerly associated with SCP-0000-1, social media and telephone surveillance is in effect to identify these individuals. Those identified as potentially knowledgeable of SCP-0000 are to be detained, interrogated, and amnestized. SCP-0000 has been classified as Keter due to this requirement.
Description: SCP-0000 is a hazardous chemical vapor inducing several anomalous effects upon exposure:
- Initial confusion and derision from the exposed.
- The growth of large tumors around the body.
- The structural weakening of the skeletal system, resulting in collapse.
- The eventual death of the individual no less than fifteen minutes following initial exposure.
As SCP-0000 begins to disperse, its effect weakens; persons exposed to SCP-0000 from a distance over twenty meters from the initial dispersal point may expect to survive. It has been proven that surfaces can be successfully decontaminated of SCP-0000, which will lose its properties when exposed to liquids.
SCP-0000-1 was a 45 year old human male named [DO THIS LATER], who is believed to be the creator of SCP-0000. Due to their death following Incident 0000-2, and the destruction of their property during Incident 0000-3, their method of creating SCP-0000 is currently unknown to the Foundation.
Addendum: Documentation of all three incidents involving SCP-0000 has been included below.
Incident 0000-1
Location: Offices of Nelson Logistics LLC in San Joaquin, CA, USA (Provisional Site 0000-A)
[10:35:00] The office is busy. The receptionist at the front desk is speaking to a civilian. There is a queue of five people.
[10:35:27] A man, later identified as SCP-0000-1, enters the building through the front door. He approaches the receptionist's desk, cutting in front of the queue, and loudly asks for the location of office manager Carson Nelson.
[10:35:55] The receptionist answers the question under duress. She points at the hallway to the left of the desk. SCP-0000-1 leaves the desk and begins walking down the hallway.
[10:36:18] SCP-0000-1 reaches the door leading to a meeting room. A meeting is currently in session, attended by manager Nelson. SCP-0000-1 knocks on the door.
[10:36:42] An employee in the meeting room opens the door for SCP-0000-1. He proceeds to walk in. The others in the meeting room express confusion at his presence. Manager Nelson stands up and points at SCP-0000-1.
[10:36:51] Nelson: What are you doing here, ? Why're you back? I told you you're fired!