If you want to create a hub of all of your articles/pages, you'll want to add a link and your username here for convenience. This isn't required in making a sandbox hub, but for people who may want easy access to it, I wanted to create a specialized page for it.
When adding the information to the list, follow my example — but in your image. Do not add and/or modify anything else on this page!
User | Sandbox Hub |
Hexick | Hexick's Hub of Magic |
When creating a hub, here's some helpful resources you may want to use:
List Pages: The following module can be used to create a table containing information for al of the pages you've created on-site. The parameters can be changed to modify the modules function such as in adding certain info, adding pages of a certain type, and much more:
[[module ListPages created_by="[YOUR USERNAME HERE]" perPage="50" separate="no" order="created" prependLine="||~ Pages ||~ Rating ||~ Created ||"]]
|| %%title_linked%% || %%rating%% || %%created_at%% ||