in discussion Hidden / Per page discussions » AML-7001 through AML-7001-32
so what does anyone think about AML-7001
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so what does anyone think about AML-7001
Meanwhile, in another timeline...
Thank you to Roufhous, dr_kewey, and Boogey_Man23 for the critique.
Ambulance Picture is from here. Credit to Mitchell Smith on Wikimedia Commons.
For more information, please reread.
I drew over a dozen artworks for this page. I hope you enjoy.
For more information, please reread.
Thank you to newnykacolaquantum, JackalRelated, Nephritis, Reasonably Psychotic, BoneCandy, and Roufhous for the critique.
Drive safely everyone.
For more information, please reread.
Second Tale, pretty nervous.
Please read SCP-3477 and SCP-7626 prior to reading this for the necessary context. Thank you in advance.
Thank you to Roufhous, Dr Blackbox, Doctor Jiqian, and SCP-6987 author LORDXVNV for the critique.
Picture is a public domain image provided by Tysto on Wikimedia Commons.
For more information, please reread.
mfw Thread
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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The Hex House wiki now offers mobile support.
If you still face any issues navigating on a mobile device or otherwise, please let me know.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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Prepare for deletion, Gooday.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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Bullets, haha gun
Aguthen (Ah-goo-thin)
Eslakia (Es-lah-ki-aw)
Saylmirl (Say-la-mirl)
Xalia (Za-lee-uh)
Yaldabaoth (Yall-da-bawth)
CSS modules don't work in Wikidot forum posts.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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Test motherfuckers1
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mongus big chungus
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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Due to an issue with Wikidot's cache, the header of the dark theme is currently broken. I'm working on a way to resolve the issue. It appears Wikidot also eats edits in the Admin Panel along with regular wiki pages.
Issue has been resolved.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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COOL WAR 2! COOL WAR 2! COOL WAR 2!!! (Featuring: A very loud man stuck in the void!)
Special thanks to AnAnomalousWriter, Fish^12, and Ralliston for their amazing crit! Couldn't have done it without them!
Test 5.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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Test 4.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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Test 3.
Hexick, SCP Wiki Moderator
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