
Item#: 7010
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures:

Description: SCP-7010 refers to an anomalous phenomena that effects physics, and has reality altering capabilities including;

  • The manipulation of kinetic energy and its core reference frame
  • An object's collision into another object resulting in both disappearing
  • An object's rotating reference frame, in this case a sphere, in which the sphere's rotating reference frame doesn't align with time

The traits of SCP-7010 are special on their own as it being related to physics as a whole, as other physics-related articles on the SCP database seem to rely on gravitational anomalies and otherwise. SCP-7010 can be also manipulated into what the performer desires, and both actions are irreversible, as this can be actions such as extreme deceleration within the area of the performer.

Discovery: SCP-7010 was accidentally discovered by O5-4, and reported to his co-workers, in return was a investigation in-depth of the nature of SCP-7010 and its anomalous characteristics.

Addendum SCP-7010-Alpha:


On January 12, 2015, SCP-6600 simultaneously shifted baseline reality1 into Reality ♭-X, as it was at this point that SCP-7010 also manifested within the vicinity of SCP-6600. The effects of SCP-7010 were unexpectedly released, as the shift in reality seemed to disappear and transport to baseline reality, and it was at this point that baseline reality was seemingly affected by a physics-based anomaly, as I mean by anomalous changes in the field of physics itself.

The place of the shift event caused by SCP-6600 was located in Canberra, Australia.

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